Introducing Inner Coaching
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Welcome to the Blog of Inner Coaching!
What is your Inner Game like? Do you have the frames of mind that empower you? That you like and would pass on to your children? How do you communicate with yourself: in an encouraging and positive way, or with critical and negative self talk? And when communicating with your colleagues at work? And your loved ones? Do you use your emotions and feelings to your benefit? Do you create meanings for yourself and your business that allow you to express your potential? That allow you to be all you can and want to be? Are you intentional in the way you use your mind-body energies? Does your business even have an Inner Game?
What is your Outer Game like? Do your behaviours and actions lead to the results you want in your life and work? Do you have habits that take you forward, towards being, living and working the way you know you are capable of? And dream of? Do you take an intentional stance with the way you spend your time? Is the culture of your business or home one that supports and encourages creativity and self expression?
At Inner Coaching, we focus on creating robust, empowering and vibrant Inner Games that will result in Outer Games of excellence, magnificence and expression. We coach you to your outcomes, so that you work and live to your full potential. We help you reconnect with your own inner resources so that you can motivate yourself, empower yourself, and even coach yourself. You’ll find the tools you didn’t know you had that will help you run your own brain and create the results you want in your work, home life, health, and relationships.
We're trading one matchstick up for offices, and you can read about it on
posted by Telana @ 1:28 am,
The Author
Telana Simpson

Telana Simpson is a Professional Personal and Communication Coach. She is a caring and focused facilitator who has a passion for expression. She helps executives, individuals and entrepreneurs find authentic ways of communicating their inner potentials.
Telana's profileAbout This Blog
This blog is the official blog of Inner Coaching, devoted to actualising people through coaching. Its purpose is to inspire growth and development by sharing ideas, links and resources.
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