The Power of Emotions
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
In my latest newsletter I talk about Trust. Trust is an emotional state, made up of thoughts, feelings and beliefs that translate into actions and experiences.
In this 10 minute long video clip, Greg Braden talks about the power of emotions and the latest research that shows how they affect our world. What we choose to feel changes our chemistry in our body and affects our reality. A pertinent message is that we can use emotions to transform our experience of life.
As a colleague who directed me to this video put it: Emotions are a "cutting edge human technology that is accessible to everyone for personal development. We all have emotions and they are not there to taunt us, but to be a tool (just like the mind) for our growth. The best things in life are free.
"Based on discoveries made through neural mapping of the limbic system, the neurobiological explanation of human emotion is that emotion is a pleasant or unpleasant mental state organized in the limbic system of the mammalian brain. If distinguished from reactive responses of reptiles, emotions would then be mammalian elaborations of general vertebrate arousal patterns, in which neurochemicals (e.g. dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin) step-up or step-down the brain's activity level, as visible in body movements, gestures, and postures. In mammals, primates, and human beings, feelings are displayed as emotion cues.""
Enjoy the clip:
Labels: emotion, greg braden, trust
posted by Telana @ 12:22 pm,
The Author
Telana Simpson

Telana Simpson is a Professional Personal and Communication Coach. She is a caring and focused facilitator who has a passion for expression. She helps executives, individuals and entrepreneurs find authentic ways of communicating their inner potentials.
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