Stress and our Health
Monday, January 12, 2009
Inner Coaching is working with the Energy modality of BodyTalk to get results that are more sustainable and impact more areas of clients' lives. (This is especially with our Coaching for Excellence DELUXE Programme.) You can read more about this and why we use BodyTalk here
To introduce “The BodyTalk Practice and Training Centre” which is run by Dr Eugene Botha and Nicole Burkhardt, both qualified BodyTalk Practitioners and leaders in their field, we asked them to tell us about stress and it’s impact on our health:
Everyone of us has resigned to stress to a greater or lesser degree as our "inevitable, unwelcome companion". We accept it as the natural by-product of our daily lives in the modern world.
So what if we overreact and go into panic mode when a deadline is near?
So what if we want to ignore our marriage problems?Everybody does it, don't they? Yes.
This is normal, isn't it? No.
We have a part in our brain the size of an almond, called the amygdala, which is responsible for our fight/flight mechanism since prehistoric times, when we had to decide whether to fight or run away from a tiger before us. At that time the amygdala was working well, and after escaping from the tiger, in the evening we could sit around the campfire and laugh about it, because the amygdala had relaxed and reset itself.
Nowadays we have other stresses, and beside fight/flight we can and often choose a third option, more damaging to our bodies, freeze, and pretend the problem does not exist.
To make matters worse, our amygdalas are so bombarded by stress that they have gone on all our lives without a chance to relax and reset, so our bodies are wearing out, like a car with both the accelerator and the brakes down at the same time.
The stress is turned inwardly, and it damages us enormously, creating new health issues and worsening the ones we have.
Headaches get stronger and more frequent.
Backaches get more painful and cripple us for days.
Heartburn happens more often . . .
This 2 minute technique will over time help the brain to reset the circuits and balance out the amygdala complex as well as improving the communication between the two hemispheres of the brain.
And in addition, BodyTalk sessions will address the underlying causes and related active memories and emotions.
In recent public talks, both Dr John Veiltheim and Dr Eugene Botha have shown how to self-balance the Cortices and the whole audience were taught a new slogan:
"wake up, brush your teeth, do your cortices, start your day. . ."
SO, WANT TO KNOW? If you haven't been taught yet how to Tap out your own/others Cortices, please contact us to find out when the next free public talk will be held in Johannesburg and Pretoria, or make sure to ask at your next BodyTalk appointment!
It is also explained in greater depth very clearly with great visuals in Dr John Veltheim's new book: BodyTalk Access: A new path to family and community health, launched in June 2008.
The BodyTalk Practice and Training Centre offers BodyTalk sessions, as well as training to become a BodyTalk Practitioner or to learn some of the techniques including the ‘Tapping Cortices’ to be used for self treatment ( as in Access Course).
Click here for more info on the Access Course – next one is on 7th February 2009
Labels: BodyTalk, cortices, Dr Eugene Botha, Dr John Veiltheim, Nicole Burkhardt, stress
posted by Telana @ 5:25 pm,
The Author
Telana Simpson

Telana Simpson is a Professional Personal and Communication Coach. She is a caring and focused facilitator who has a passion for expression. She helps executives, individuals and entrepreneurs find authentic ways of communicating their inner potentials.
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