Different perspectives for improved communication
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ever taken a moment to step back and think about how the position from which you are perceiving something is influencing your communication in that moment?
Well I invite you now to take a step back and explore a concept with me in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) called "Perceptual Positions".
We usually just think that what we are seeing is what there is to see from ourperspective. Yet in actual fact, our perspective can come from one of 5 different positions. Each mental position is just a different reference point, much like a different angle of a camera or a different radio station frequency. Each point comeswith its own usefulness and drawbacks.
We unconsciously already use these different mental positions, but by knowing about them we can choose to use them to gain more understanding of a situation, and that often leads to new choices or options being created.
The positions are best explained in the context of a conversation that you have had with another person:

First Position: this is where you are in your shoes, looking out your eyes at the other person. You are experiencing being with this other person, and what you are feeling, seeing and hearing.
Second Position: now you step in the shoes of the other person, looking back at yourself through their eyes. Second position is about experiencing the conversation from the point of view of the other person- what they are seeing and hearing and experiencing as they look back at you.
Third Position: This perspective is like being a fly on the wall or a neutral observer. From there you are gathering information about the interaction between the two people in the conversation- seeing yourself and the other person exchanging words, behaviours and emotions.
Fourth Position: this position gets you to take a step back from the conversation between the 2 people, and see it from the context within which it is happening. It takes into consideration the system within which the interaction is occurring, like the family, business team or community, and brings in information from that system’s perspective.
Fifth Position: When we take a view from way out in the universe, (all the way to be with God if that is your belief) and look back at the conversation way down on earth, we gain another perspective of that interaction.
From each position you gain very different bits of information. And with more information, comes more understanding. Taking any difficult situation through all 5 positions helps to get a more balanced appreciation of that situation.
When it comes to communication, it is often useful to note which position is your default, and likely to be impacting the results you are aiming to achieve. For example, if you are trying to explain a concept from first position, and the person you are explaining to is not able to grasp the concept, by shifting your position to second, or third, you might gain information that will show you what is blocking the person from understanding.
Or if you are mostly in second position to others, it is more useful to step into first position when you need to clearly state your own opinion on a matter, or voice a need or request.
From having the flexibility to shift your perceptual position at will, you will be in a useful space of being able to gain more information about the complexity of a situation. It's then up to you how you use that information to assist in creating more clear and constructive communication.
And that is what is empowering – having information that leads to choice in any moment!
To you flexibly using all perspectives!
Labels: communication, NLP, perceptual positions, perspective
posted by Telana @ 10:58 am,
- At 28/8/08 9:49 pm, Telana said...
Developing the ability to shift our perspective when communicating is one of the skills covered in the Communication Excellence course in October. We’ll also be looking at how to use the higher levels of your mind in creative ways to effectively get what you want to say across to another, to manage your emotions while speaking, and to develop flexibility to really hear what someone is telling you.
When you leave this Seminar, you will be able to get into rapport quickly with and figure out other people in your life so that you communicate with them effectively.
For more information on this training and the many tools, techniques and understanding of communication skills that you will learn about, go to http://www.innercoaching.co.za/communication.htm
The Author
Telana Simpson

Telana Simpson is a Professional Personal and Communication Coach. She is a caring and focused facilitator who has a passion for expression. She helps executives, individuals and entrepreneurs find authentic ways of communicating their inner potentials.
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